Use "illiterate|illiterates" in a sentence

1. We read no cogent outcries from illiterates.

2. I'm not illiterate.

3. He is musically illiterate.

4. Many illiterates can not read the Admonition on a pack of cigarettes

5. Thank goodness you're illiterate.

6. It's not like you're illiterate.

7. Mother was poor and illiterate.

8. Many illiterates can not read the admonition on a pack of cigarettes.

9. Many senior managers are technologically illiterate.

10. You know he's illiterate, don't you?

11. Illiterate and undesirable are treated as synonymous.

12. Beers (1996) observed that Aliterates far outnumber illiterates and encounter similar problems or difficulties

13. Unable to read or write; illiterate: Analphabetic peoples

14. An illiterate, later he received some schooling.

15. These are the truly illiterate among us.

16. An illiterate factory worker won the lottery.

17. Most are illiterate and live in absolute poverty.

18. The most erudite person and the most illiterate person...

19. Unable to read or write; illiterate: Analphabetic peoples

20. Unable to read or write; illiterate Analphabetic peoples

21. A large percentage of the population is illiterate.

22. Unable to read or write; illiterate: Analphabetic peoples

23. Over 30% of the adult population were illiterate.

24. They are sometimes, especially in underdeveloped countries, illiterate.

25. A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.

26. Intensifying efforts to address non-literate and functional illiterate adults.

27. She is an illiterate girl, trained, skilled as a welder.

28. But that did not mean that they were illiterate.

29. They couldn't communicate in writing, because William was illiterate.

30. It was an illiterate letter(, full of mistakes.

31. It provides cheap entertainment for illiterate people and perverts.

32. Here's where I luck out: I'm really computer illiterate.

33. 10 A surprising percentage of the population are illiterate.

34. A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.

35. Only a complete media illiterate could leap to such a conclusion.

36. 5 In such a world, there will no longer be any technophobes or computer illiterates-everyone will use a computer.

37. I am penniless, illiterate, have no taste and no future

38. Illiterate people may be able to recognize and decipher signs.

39. Such abuse is the last resort of the political illiterate.

40. Most of the children there have parents who are illiterate.

41. There 50 percent or more of the population is illiterate.

42. You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx.

43. Some researchers even argue that Jesus’ early disciples “were technically illiterate.”

44. We have a dentist -- she's a grandmother, illiterate, who's a dentist.

45. She was born to an illiterate mother who ran her own hacienda.

46. Many of the campesinos were illiterate; some spoke only their local dialects.

47. A pollster even went so far as to describe the United States as “a nation of biblical illiterates.”

48. Legless, with only one arm, illiterate, unskilled -- what job for him?

49. Not know a B from a Battledore be completely illiterate or

50. Icons were originally a kind of pictorial Bibles for the illiterate.

51. A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.

52. Unlike the neo-Victorian Bowdlerizers who are almost universally very nearly illiterate.

53. I was taken aback, these sisters are illiterate but still saying of downloading.

54. Almost everyone was denied access to the scriptures, and most people were illiterate.

55. Agriology: The comparative study of primitive, illiterate or "savage" cultures

56. Very few illiterate people manage to have more than a precarious existence.

57. I'm disturbed that so many of the students appear to be illiterate.

58. This is in a village where most of the people are even illiterate.

59. An illiterate could be truly poetic. A commoner may know all about Zen.

60. The prisoners who went insane were those who were illiterate and without imagination.

61. Illiteracy is highest in the Northeast, where 19.9% of the population is illiterate.

62. When the Indo-Europeans called Aryans arrived in the Indus Valley they were illiterate

63. The tetanus campaign used more than 80 per cent female vaccinators, including illiterate women.

64. It is noteworthy that literate mothers lose fewer children to sickness than do illiterate ones.

65. He suggested that the petitioners were illiterate and had no notion of what they were signing.

66. Synonyms for Analphabetic include illiterate, nonliterate, unlettered, unread, uneducated, unlearned, unschooled, untaught, untutored and benighted

67. Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote?

68. Natty , brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man.

69. The educated Christian Africans, who were known as ‘kholwa’, sometimes called the illiterate Africans kaffirs

70. If consumers are largely illiterate, then the firm's advertising, packaging and labelling will need to be adapted.

71. 20 Followers, 34 Following, 12 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from The Illiterate Alliterationist (@the_illiterate_lyrical_genuis)

72. We are reaping what we have sown with a steadily more illiterate society immersed in trivia.

73. 20 In other words, someone as intelligent as Mr. Fang would prefer a stupid, illiterate woman.

74. To a world that was flat, static, agricultural and largely illiterate, those books were, literally, a godsend.

75. Mother, absolutely illiterate, washed my low-down and madding heart with her broad love like the boundless sea.

76. People judged to be functionally illiterate lack the basic reading and writing skills required in everyday life.

77. These incremental gains will not be equal to the numbers of illiterate adults emerging from the public schools.

78. According to the 1981 census, 5 percent of the population over the age of seventeen was illiterate.

79. Clare Lockhart is here, so I'll recite a discussion she had with an illiterate woman in Northern Afghanistan.

80. Though she is illiterate with technology, Bok-shil is quick on her feet and adapts well to situations.